Relocation Links

Relocation Links:
Area Code & Zip Code Listings Site provides ability search for businesses, people, area codes, zip codes, and complete reverse lookup for an address corresponding to a telephone number which covers the United States and 10 international countries.
U.S. Post Office Zip Code Lookup This site, hosted by the U.S. Post Office, provides ZIP Code Look-Up. The information is updated and reviewed daily for more accurate retrieval data.
Yellow Pages provides business information for over 13 million businesses nationwide, including maps and driving directions. Provides links to access maps, driving directions and City Pages: local shopping guides with links to local yellow pages, city guides, classifieds, maps, driving directions and places to shop locally.

Area Information
CLICK CITY searches and links to over 22,000 cities, 7,000 chambers of commerce and 2,000 news related web sites, which provide the most recent and up-to-date information.
City Search provides links to United States City Guides for major metropolitan U.S. cities and International City Guides for cities in six other countries.
Digital City is Hosted by America Online, Digital City is a locally-focused online network, delivering local entertainment, commerce, news, community resources and personal interaction to residents and visitors in more than 60 cities across the country.
Timeout provides has city guides for 34 international cities. Each city guide includes information on living in the respective city, hotel accommodations, sightseeing, entertainment, restaurants, shopping and other city links.
USA City Link is a comprehensive listing of U.S. states and cities offering information on travel, tourism and local amenities.
Zip2 site contains city guides to U.S. cities and cities in Canada, France, and Scotland. Guides include information to a city’s arts and entertainment, community events, local news and other local and national information.
Children and Parents
National Child Care Information Center The National Child Care Information Center (NCCIC), is a project of the Child Care Bureau, Administration for Children and Families (ACF), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This site provides information and links about child care resources.
Driving Instructions
Yahoo Maps Site provides interactive maps and driving directions, as well as information on services and products near a user’s address or travel route. Also provides lodging information and reservation capabilities, traffic reports and local points of interest.
MapQuest Site provides maps, driving directions, road trip planner services, atlases, and links to many other sites.
CollegeNet This site is designed for applying to college over the web. CollegeNet allows applicants to complete, file, and pay for their admissions applications at over 500 colleges and universities through web-based admissions applications.
U.S. Department of Education The official Department of Education web site. It offers a range of information about the Department, including initiatives and priorities, grant opportunities, offices, publications, and research and statistics.
Pets Welcome Site contains listings for over 25,000 hotels, B&Bs, ski resorts, campgrounds, and beaches that are pet-friendly. Provides other information and links for traveling with pets.

Travel Sites
Web sites that provide booking services and travel itineraries to match stated preferences, such as lowest price, closest to desired schedule, preferred carrier, and the desire to maximize frequent flyer miles:
Biz Travel –
Cheap Tickets –
Expedia –
Lowest Fare –
Trip –
Travelocity –

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